Defining Named Functions with a List Comprehension

Aug 19 2016

I was perusing an Elixir project1 a few months ago, and I came across a really cool pattern. In Elixir, you can define named functions using a list comprehension.

defmodule MyModule do
  for n <- 1..5 do
    def match_me(unquote(n)), do: "I matched to #{unquote(n)}"

  def match_me(_n) do
    "I did not match"

In the example above, for each number between 1 and 5 (inclusive), a function is generated with the current value of n as the argument. If we were to expand this out, we would have a module that looks like this.

defmodule MyModule do
  def match_me(1), do: "I matched to 1"
  def match_me(2), do: "I matched to 2"
  def match_me(3), do: "I matched to 3"
  def match_me(4), do: "I matched to 4"
  def match_me(5), do: "I matched to 5"

  def match_me(_n) do
    "I did not match"

In this context the for macro is working like defmacro and operating on the code as data. Notice, that n had to be unquoted within the function definition. Had n not been unquoted, we would have been left with this.

defmodule MyModule do
  def match_me(n), do: "I matched to #{n}"
  def match_me(n), do: "I matched to #{n}"
  def match_me(n), do: "I matched to #{n}"
  def match_me(n), do: "I matched to #{n}"
  def match_me(n), do: "I matched to #{n}"

  def match_me(_n) do
    "I did not match"

Of course this would always match to the first version of match_me and always return "I match to <insert value of n>", leaving the last clause of match_me to never be matched.


Examples are fine for demonstration, but it is good to see where this pattern might be useful in the wild. One particular place I like to use this pattern is when I am testing a function with a range of inputs and outputs. This comes up in the prime factors kata and the roman numerals kata.

Here is an example of this pattern used for the roman numerals kata2.

defmodule RomanNumeralsTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  doctest RomanNumerals

  import RomanNumerals

  @roman_to_arabic [
    {"I", 1},
    {"II", 2},
    {"III", 3},
    {"IV", 4},
    {"V",  5},
    {"VI", 6},
    {"VII", 7},
    {"VIII", 8},
    {"IX", 9},
    {"X", 10},
    {"XI", 11},
    {"XIV", 14},
    {"XIX", 19},
    {"XXVIII", 28},
    {"XXXXIV", 44},
    {"L", 50},

  for {roman, arabic} <- @roman_to_arabic do
    test "it returns #{roman} when given #{arabic}" do
      assert convert(unquote(arabic)) == unquote(roman)


I think this is a pretty cool feature of the language, but might be best to use with caution. The pattern has the potential introduce opacity to your code.

In my opinion, the test example above is clear enough. The @roman_to_arabic map expresses most of what the tests needs to communicate.

My pair and I also attempted to use this pattern within the RomanNumerals module to a handful of the function clauses in the name of removing duplication.

Here is that module.

defmodule RomanNumerals do
  @numerals_map [
    {"M", 1000},
    {"D", 500},
    {"C", 100},
    {"L", 50},
    {"X", 10},
    {"V", 5},
    {"I", 1}

  def convert(0), do: ""
  def convert(4), do: "IV"
  def convert(9), do: "IX"

  for {roman_numeral, arabic} <- @numerals_map do
    def convert(number) when number >= unquote(arabic) do
      unquote(roman_numeral) <> convert(number - unquote(arabic))

I find that this does not do as great of job of communicating intent. Not terrible, but not great either.

Wrap up

Use with care.

1. Unfortunately the name of the project has escaped me

2. We stopped at 50


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